导读 来为大家解答以下的问题,ustoms是什么意思英语,customs retention这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、你的...1、你的包裹,被海关查询了,需要征收关税了吧,你看最上面这条记录。
2、吧 18:33 03-Aug-2012 Handed over to Customs, CAYTOA, Customs retention reason : Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner18:33 03-Aug-2012 Arrival at inward office of exchange, CAYTOA,21:24 02-Aug-2012 Delivered to Destination Airport, TORONTO,20:24 02-Aug-2012 Airrival at Destination Airport, TORONTO,18:05 02-Aug-2012 Departure from Airport, TORONTO, Flight date : 16:35 Thu 02 Aug 2012 (KST) Flight number : AC06407:18 02-Aug-2012 Received by Air carrier, INCHEON,06:45 02-Aug-2012 Departure from outward office of exchange, INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE, Dispatch number : 79819:12 01-Aug-2012 Posting/Collection, DJ.DUNSAN, Posting office zip code : 302700 Destination country : CANADA。